First we said thank’s so much to Medan zoo management who give to NSAW space as voluntarry to help clean some lice in phyton snake in medan zoo on Sunday(06 june 2010).In this action also we appreciate and thank’s so much to some of young local people who joint with us to help clean some lice in phyton snake in medan zoo.they are Iqbal,Gilang ,dana and their family ,this is amazing time for Nsaw and animals that we help cause they are realy involved directly in help the phytons.and we hope their action joint with Nsaw team could be follow up by some society around medan that we believe so many people in medan would like to help animal welfare case in medan zoo or around north Sumatra .
When iqbal,Gilang ,Dana and also their family when involved in action help phyton snake in medan zoo they were also give some nutrition food and meals to some of animal who live in medan zoo cages and we were very sorry that when they directly gave that nutrition food to the animals in medan zoo we forgot to take the documentation photo of fruits when they gave it to animals, we just took the meals that they donated to Sumatra tigers in medan zoo(we posting the meals documentation picture in this blog).
And Specially thank’s so much to Iqbal and his family when we finished make action in help phyton snake in medan zoo they also donated NSAW for 500,000 rupiah ,so later his donation we will discuss to all NSAW team how to use it for help animal welfare in NSAW next Program,and soo we will report to him when we use his donation via email when we have done it.once again we said thank’s so much to Iqbal and his family for their dedicate and their contribution in help animal welfare in medan zoo and everywhere.
Also we are not forget said special thank’s to all of veterinary university student from Unsyiah who joint with NSAW team in this action and To Mr Pujiono (medan zoo VET)who bring them in medan zoo.
At last we said thank’s to all and let’s keep on save and care to all protected animal in everywhere .
Cheers and best regards from Us(NSAW team):
Rudianto.s,Robert Cambel,Diana Wright,Abner Tarigan,Mettalina,Thomas Ouhel,M.Sultan,Vina and all of NSAW supporter