Sunday, October 2, 2011

Finishing report and doc Pic of gibbon into the big cage after trasfered

First We so sorry for delay report of the bugdet expenditure of repairing gibbon cage...that's the gibbon cage already finish on 28 september 2011..include we make enrichment inside .
on 29 september the gibbon already transfered from the small cage to the big cage which we repairing.for all even a little delay to finished it, we all are happy to see the gibbon now in better place/cage than before.
And here also we posting the picture when the gibbon at the small cage and pic when the gibbon we transfered into the cages which finish repairing plus pic/copy of all material expenditure of budget in repairing cage.

Here is the bugdet that we took from NSAW bank account include Suzane donation,Tomas,Eva,Diana And also Mr Rudianto.S donation:

Material cost repairing for home improvements gibbon (Hilobates sindactylus) also payment of wages of workers welders and the source of the funds is from NSAW and NSAW’s donnors:

Purchases of materials date on 02 August 2011:
100 rods of iron 8mm (@Rp 28.050)…………,…Rp 2.805.000
4 rods elbow iron (@Rp44.000)…………….…. Rp 176.000
2 door set of wheels (@Rp33.000)……….…..Rp 66.000
4 hook/hold door (@Rp10.000)……………… .Rp 40.000
50 M rubber strap (1 M Rp 1.500)………....…..Rp 75.000
Purchases of materials date on 04 August 2011 :
40 M rubber strap (1M Rp 1.500)…………..……Rp 60.000
7 M rubber strap(1M Rp 7.000)………………..Rp 7.000
1 sack of cement (@1 Rp 43.000)………….…..Rp 43.000
1kg wire (1 kg Rp 18.000)……………………… Rp 18.000
Purchases of materials date on 08 August 2011 :
20 rods of iron 8 mm(@Rp 29.000)………… ...Rp 580.000
Purchases of materials date on 26 August 2011 :
20 rods of iron 8 mm(@Rp 28.000)………… ..Rp 560.000
Purchases of materials date on 15 september 2011 :
26 rods of iron 7 mm(@Rp 25.000)……………….Rp 650.000
1 wall paint contents 5kg(@Rp 45.000)………..Rp 45.000
Purchases of materials date on 26 september 2011 :
10 rods of iron 7 mm (@Rp.25.000)………………..Rp 250.000

Wage of Welder/workers …………………………………………………………………………………………….Rp 4.500.000
Transports +snacks &drinks for workers………………………………………… ..Rp 150.000

The total overall cost is........................................................Rp 10.025.000

Here We said many thank's to all of you.