(BIOPALAS) met in campus of USU(university North Sumatra)sharing in fauna and flora knowlegdes with NSAW(Tuesday 28 september 2010). In this campus NSAW just met with the division of flora BIOPALAS(Biologi Pencinta Alam dan Study lingkungan hidup/ biological nature lovers and environmental studies)and with some students of biology..cause before the lecture biology Mr.Dr. Dwi Suryanto promise to us meet with the chairman of BIOPALAS On 28 september 2010 in north sumatra university . And this time the chairman is out in field work...so we just discuss and sharing in fauna/flora with the devision flora (Mr Kasbi Zaini)and his friends(student of biology).
Here we are so many thank’s to Mr. Dwi as a lecture of North Sumatra University and all of students of bilogy North Sumatra University that we promise eachother in any chance will make cooperate specially in fauna and flora.
Best regards