On 22 July 2013 Mr Tomas Ouhel an International coodinator for NSAW and NSAW chairman Mr Rudianto.Sembiring make an action by donate some material for enrichment .After that they aking the primate keeper in helping to make enrichment in siamang cage, we just pure help to make enclosure or some enrichment inside and spend bugdet 7 USA Dollar or in Indonesia arround 70.000 rupiah we do it by 3 people (Rudi,Tomas and the siamang Keeper Mr Zuma) .We spend 2 hours to finished it.
And Thanks so much To Mr Tomas Ouhel and Siamang keeper Mr Zuma who make the siamang feel happy gain for swing in the cage.
Best Regards
On 24 June We try to help the mouse deer injured in Medan Zoo that the mouse deer is confiscate by BKSDA to the trappers.
The vet student from Unsyiah banda aceh was many help in take care and give medicine with Mr Rudi in the clinic and after that send back to the cage.
On Last april 2013 NSAW join in give some education program about wildlife in SMU(senior high school) 3 Medan.
In this program many explanation give to the students how tobe good visitors if visit zoo and give some explanation about wildlife conservation in situ an ex situ plus how to save flora and fauna in nature.
On 30 April 2013 Nsaw Participate in give some presentation about wildlife conservation by Mr Rudi in east Medan district office followed by goverment district employee.
here is nsaw partner and also as adviser NSAW in uk and it's website is www.profauna.org
and We also make website partner with:
And animal welfare consultant link:
and also nsaw chairman(MR rudianto)as a member of tourist guide in SARAWAK Travel agency from checzh republic.here is website SARAWAK Travel agency:
For more info Contact us In:
Email : nsaw_ind@yahoo.co.id
Phone :+62-81533260974,+62-85297037974
Donate us at:
Account number : 0336-01-033226-50-5.
Bank name : BRI(bank rakyat indonesia).
Bank addres : branch office medan pemuda/jalan iskandar muda no 173 medan.
Swift code : BRINIDJA 336 Indonesia.