To our Supporter and our Donors here we just informed that we just get one Donor who interested to donated our small ngo's called NSAW(north sumatra animal welfare).The Donnor name is Suzanne Vigenser.She donated us 352 US Dollars in Idr(Rupiah)rates 1 dollar is 8.550 Idr so it's arround 2.992.500,00 Idr.And usually for our rules if there are some donors donated us we will cut 20% from the donation so the funding that we will use to help wild animal will be 2.394.000 Idr and 598.500 Idr will leave in nsaw bank account as urgent needed.
After the donation or funding that we already get later will we spend to help animals and also will report directly to all donors about expenditure funding in it.
So here We and all animals said many thank's specially To Suzanne Vigenser for her Donation to NSAW(North saumatra animal welfare)hope her action will be followed by others.
Thank you and Best Regards.
God bless us
Hello, wonderful that my mother was able to help you so much, but she is wondering if you could please remove her name from the blog, as she wishes to be annonymous. Thankyou. Anton.
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