Tuesday, July 29, 2008

pictures make enrichment and after finished

hello .. here you could see/check that my action in medan zoo who was making enrichment and also you could see in this blog taht the pictures after i finished make enrichment in primate cages in medan zoo.the pictures took by MR fahmi on monday 27 july 2008.

thank's for your attention and we still wait your donation for animal case like nutrition adding food,sharing,animal volunteere,vetenary and so on that so useful for animal welfare in medan zoo.

best regards from me

Rudianto sembiring
medan zoo primate keeper
(chairman NSAW)

photo primate cage before making enrichment in medan zoo

hello as a primate keeper in medan zoo here you could see the primate cage before i put enrichment in cage that all of things already i prepare that donated by tourist who i met in medan zoo last week(MR.laurens from holland,MR sunny from south korea,Mr vincent newman from holland).

here in deep my heart once again say thank's so much to tourist that already help me in zoo case system emergency needed in medan zoo.

thank's and let's care to our wild animal protected

Friday, July 25, 2008

NSAW team prepared something for enrichment in primate cage

hello ,,,as a primate keeper in medan zoo and also as chairman NSAW i prepared something for enrichment in siamang cage on 25 july 2008 .
here is things that i already bought for making enrichment in siamang cage that this funding are donated by MR,laurens from holland,MR sunny from south korea(donated 50,000 rupiah),and Mr vincent newman who i already met in medan zoo/they are tourist who visited medan zoo last time.:

1. 3 used car wheel (@ rp 5,000) : Rp 15,000
2. 7 used motorbike wheel(@ Rp 3,000) : Rp 21,000
3. to pay took 30 bamboo to Mr ginting(@ Rp 3,000) :Rp 90,000
4. 1/2 kg thin iron(kawat) (1 kg rp 20,000) : Rp 10,000
5. documentation and buy empty cd :Rp 25.000
6. 41 m tight rubber(1 m is Rp 1,500) :Rp 61,500
5. total amount : Rp 222,500

all of the things you could see in this blog.
the pictures that you see in this blog are took by Mr Fahmi (medan zoo keeper)who has phonsel camera).cause NSAW still have no camera so if i took the photo as prove always helped by my freind keeper and sometimes the tourist that i met in medan zoo if they bring camera.

thank you

medan zoo primate keeper
(chairman NSAW)

nsaw team say thak you so much to Mr Laurens

hello i am as primate keeper on thursday 22 july 2008 in medan zoo met with tourist who visited medan zoo and we sharing about medan zoo .his name is Mr Laurens from holland (his email lourens@properta.nl)and he donated 50,000 rupiah for primate that i care in medan zoo.

and on wednesday 23 july 2008 i bought 7 coconut fruits (a coconut fruits is 5,000 rupiah)and directly i gave to siamang(gibbon)who pregnant in medan zoo,cause nsaw still have no digital camera and my freind as zoo keeper who have phonsel camera didn't come so i could not take the pictures of coconut fruits.

and 15,000 more i use to adding as capital to bought something for enrichment for primate i cage.
here in my deep heart once again say thank's so much to mr laurens,hopely this donor will be follow up from local people who intersting help animals in medan zoo.

best regards/groetjes

medan zoo primate keeper
(chairman NSAW)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

nsaw team say thank you so much to Mr vincent newmant and Mr christoper

hello...once again nsaw team say thank you so much to Mr vincent newman and Mr christoper who visited medan zoo on monday 14 july 2008 and met with me ,we much sharing about animals husbandry/knowlegde in zoo cause they are experince about animals project.they also donated 100,000 rupiah for primate that i care in medan zoo and also gave/donated 2 books about sumatra tigers and sea turtle .

Mr vincent donated 100,000 rupiah and on thursday(15 july 2008) i bought nutrition food for primate that i care in zoo.
here is the kind of nutrition food that i bought on 15 july and directly i gave to primates in zoo:

1 . 3 tight of rambutan fruits(1 tight Rp 5000 ) : 15,000 rupiah.
2. 4 tight of kangkung vagetables(1 tight Rp 1000): 4,000 rupiah
3. 1 kg sweet mustard vegetables(1 kg Rp 4.000) : 4.000 rupiah
4 15 eggs (1 egg rp 950 ) : 14.250 rupiah
5 2 kg tomatoes (1 kg rp 8000) : 16.000 rupiah
6 documantation foto/scan : 17.000 rupiah
.........total amount .................................................. : 70.250 rupiah

and 29.750 i used to funding if i make corespondence via internet/rent computer in internet cafe,to my adviser(profauna-uk)and others freind local or international people see info about animals newsletter.even this funding maybe not so much but it's very useful/needed for primates in zoo.

once again nsaw team say thank you so much for them,hopely local people follow up this action.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

action nsaw/medan zoo primate keeper in medan zoo

hello i am chairman nsaw(north sumatra animal welfare)and also primate keeper in medan zoo make an action with make a nest for simang .this cage use for siamang(gibbon)so that this gibbon could hide and stay be better if the female ape wanna breeding.

i make this box nest is also donated by people who care for animal life in medan zoo(from international and local people).

here i need also if you see this blog ...please...joint with us together help animal case in medan zoo.

thank you so much ...